If you’ve ever worked in customer service, you know that it’s hardly a walk in the park. It doesn’t matter whether your experience is in e-commerce, marketing, restaurants or logistics business. You learn a lot about human nature and you’re faced with a wide range of challenges. Conflicts are almost an inevitability, regardless of the industry.
Se podría decir que resolver conflictos es una forma de arte. Necesitas equilibrar cuidadosamente las expectativas de tu cliente, considerar los recursos disponibles, manejar emociones intensas y, sobre todo, preservar tu bienestar.
En este artículo, vamos a compartir algunos de nuestros mejores consejos para resolver conflictos al manejar la comunicación con los clientes. Sin embargo, antes de continuar, nos gustaría presentarte uno de los conceptos psicológicos más interesantes que se pueden aplicar al servicio al cliente.
Estilos de gestión de conflictos

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument describes five major styles of conflict management. This tool is typically used by HR professionals, yet it can also be successfully applied to customer service.
Los cinco estilos de gestión de conflictos incluyen:
- Collaborating style – This one is focused on teamwork. A person with a collaborating style will work together with the opposite side to find a solution that satisfies both parties. This style usually works best for long-term relationships, such as those with long-term recurring clients.
- Competing style – The name speaks for itself: the person only cares about winning the competition. This style is not recommended in customer service, for obvious reasons.
- Avoiding style – These people diplomatically avoid confrontation. We also don’t recommend sticking to this style in customer service either. When a customer reaches out with a complaint, you should take action right away. In this case, avoiding the problem can only make things worse.
- Accommodating style – This is the opposite of the competing style. The person in question makes sacrifices to please the other party. When you need to maintain a valuable relationship with a client, this might be the right way to go.
- Compromising style – It might be described as meeting the customer in the middle. This may work well when you’re looking for a temporary solution that needs to be applied right away.
The takeaway? When possible, it’s best to aim for the collaborating style. Accommodating strategies work well for key clients that are demanding, while the compromising style can be used ad hoc when you need to smooth things over.
Una vez que seas consciente de estos diferentes estilos, es más fácil ver cuál es tu estrategia predeterminada. Te volverás más consciente de tu propio comportamiento y podrás comenzar a trabajar en tu comunicación con los clientes en el futuro.
Ahora, pasemos a algunas ideas prácticas:
Cómo manejar conflictos con clientes

Evita ponerte a la defensiva.
El cliente no está aquí para escuchar tus excusas. En lugar de mejorar las cosas, explicar tu comportamiento podría empeorarlas, ya que puede parecer que no quieres asumir la responsabilidad de tus acciones. Además, pueden sentir que no estás realmente escuchando sus quejas y solo te importa ‘limpiar tu nombre’.
No se trata de decirle al cliente que no has hecho nada malo. Te guste o no, se trata de decirles lo que quieren escuchar. Vinieron en busca de una solución a su problema, y aunque no se pueda aplicar de inmediato, necesitan algún tipo de orientación. Por eso deberías optar por otro enfoque:
Asume la responsabilidad
As a customer service representative, you’re the face of the company. Even if you’re not the one who made the mistake, you’re still speaking on behalf of the product and the organization. The client doesn’t care who is actually accountable for the mishap. Therefore, the best thing you can do is take responsibility, admit your mistakes, and come up with a solution. Even if the issue is uncommon and you’re not sure what to do, you should always present the customer with a plan. Tell them exactly what you’re going to do, who you’re going to ask for advice, and assure them that you’re taking care of their problem.
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Cuida tu tono
This is particularly important when it comes to online customer support as well as social media. Many conflicts arise online because we don’t see the other person’s facial expressions and body language. The only way to convey meaning is through writing. This is why it’s crucial to be mindful of your tone. And here’s where another aspect comes in:
Habla el lenguaje de la empatía
Puedes usar palabras para expresar empatía hacia el cliente. Cuando están en problemas, quieren sentir que te importa lo que sienten.
To make it work, you can use these empathy statements as a point of reference:
- Thank you for getting in touch – This is one of the best possible conversation openers. No matter how frustrated the customer is, it never hurts to thank them at the very beginning. When you start the conversation with something positive, the customer will feel more appreciated.
- If I understood you right… – Don’t assume that you know everything about the client’s needs. Not only does it sound patronizing, but it may also frustrate the customer when it turns out that you didn’t understand their intentions. It’s therefore good practice to ask for confirmation, and the other person will feel more respected.
- I’ve experienced this issue too – That’s true, it doesn’t work in all situations. Sometimes it’s impossible that you’ve stepped in the customer’s shoes. On the other hand, when the profile of your company allows it, it really pays off to use this empathy statement. When the client knows that you’ve had a similar experience, they’re more likely to listen. They can also perceive you as more competent, given that you’ve already dealt with the same problem.
Haz preguntas

When a customer is angry, they may not always share the core of the problem. Instead, they will focus on their emotions and frustration. Ask your client about the source of their feelings, e.g. what exactly made you angry? Another good question is What can I do to help you? This will give the person space and opportunity to describe their expectations openly.
No reacciones a los insultos
A veces, incluso las habilidades más sublimes para resolver conflictos no ayudarán si el cliente está particularmente enfurecido. Cuando el cliente comienza a insultarte personalmente, lo mejor que puedes hacer es ignorar el abuso verbal. Una vez que comienzas a intercambiar insultos, no hay forma de recuperarse de eso. Probablemente perderás al cliente, y seguramente afectará negativamente a tu negocio.
Lo mejor que puedes hacer es mantenerte profesional y no dejarte provocar. La ira eventualmente pasará si no se alimenta con tus respuestas. Cuando no respondes a insultos y mensajes ofensivos, la persona al otro lado también ganará tiempo extra para reflexionar sobre sus acciones y calmar sus emociones.
Conclusiones claves
Una vez más, somos muy conscientes de que el servicio al cliente no es pan comido. Por eso estamos compartiendo herramientas y conocimientos para ayudarte a manejar los conflictos con éxito. Vale la pena familiarizarse con los diferentes estilos de gestión de conflictos. Recuerda usar frases empáticas y agregar algunos “gracias” para asegurarte. Seguro que dará resultados a largo plazo. ¡Crucemos los dedos!
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