Plantillas de correo electrónico informativo para comunicar cambios o eventos sin ser promocionales. Incluyen anuncios de dirección, gestión o acuerdos legales. Consejos: mantener tono apropiado, evitar exageraciones y emojis.
Hay varios escenarios en los que una empresa necesita enviar un correo electrónico a sus clientes o usuarios para proporcionarles información sin ser particularmente promocional. Los ejemplos más comunes de correos electrónicos informativos son breves informes de noticias sobre cambios en dirección o gestión futura de la empresa, etc.
Los correos electrónicos informativos también pueden referirse a modificaciones a los términos y condiciones u otros acuerdos legales, así como declaraciones para tranquilizar a los suscriptores a la luz de los desarrollos actuales en la industria o eventos globales. Estos tipos de mensajes han sido particularmente comunes en los últimos años, y el Reglamento general de protección de datos (RGPD) de la UE ha generado innumerables correos electrónicos sobre la política de privacidad. cambios aterrizando en nuestras bandejas de entrada. Más recientemente, la actual pandemia de coronavirus ha provocado que muchas marcas actualicen constantemente a sus clientes por correo electrónico sobre cómo se están adaptando a la situación en constante evolución.
Otros tipos de correos electrónicos informativos son las encuestas enviadas a los clientes para informarles de la posibilidad de participar en un cuestionario, o una invitación para informarles de un evento de la empresa que tendrá lugar en un futuro próximo. A su vez, el remitente espera recibir feedback sobre un producto/servicio, o una confirmación de asistencia del destinatario.
Por último, los correos electrónicos de adquisición informan a los usuarios de que se han registrado con éxito en una cuenta o se han suscrito para recibir el contenido de los newsletters. Los mensajes de recuperación informan a los clientes existentes de que no han comprado durante un tiempo y de que pueden ser eliminados de la base de datos de la empresa si permanecen inactivos. Estos dos tipos de correos electrónicos informativos son ligeramente más promocionales que los otros que se han mencionado, ya que a menudo incluyen llamadas a la acción (CTA) u ofrecen descuentos como recompensa.
El envío de correos electrónicos informativos te permite llegar a tus clientes actuales y potenciales para informarles sobre noticias específicas que es necesario que lean o que crees que encontrarán útiles. En este artículo se han recopilado varios ejemplos de mensajes de este tipo, con líneas de asunto sugeridas como bonificación.
Hay ciertas situaciones que toda empresa debe abordar (como COVID-19). En esos momentos es importante informar a tus clientes y a tu personal de cómo seguirá funcionando tu empresa, y de los cambios que puedan producirse. Estos correos electrónicos no deben contener ningún tipo de comunicación de marketing, sino simplemente asegurar a la gente que sus datos, pedidos o suscripciones, por ejemplo, están a salvo. La intención de estos correos electrónicos es simplemente desear lo mejor a tus clientes, sin incluir ningún tipo de argumento de venta. En definitiva, se trata de mantener una buena relación con el cliente informándole de lo que sea necesario.
El otro tipo de correo electrónico informativo se centra en las noticias específicas de la empresa. Estos correos pueden incluir actualizaciones de las políticas, de la estructura empresarial o un cambio de dirección. Estos nuevos enfoques pueden ser el resultado de las opiniones de los clientes por lo que hay que informarles directamente y agradecerles su aportación mediante un mensaje personal tuyo. Esto también contribuirá a fomentar la fidelidad y la confianza de los clientes, al demostrar que sus opiniones son muy valoradas.
Las plantillas de correo electrónico son marcos de mensajes que puedes utilizar como punto de partida para escribir tu propia copia (simplemente cambiando el texto sugerido por el tuyo). Las plantillas de correo electrónico te permiten escribir correos electrónicos sin esfuerzo; simplemente inserta imágenes u otro contenido y modifica el estilo para adaptarte a la personalidad de tu marca.
Los correos electrónicos informativos no se llaman “informativos” sin razón. Su objetivo principal es informar al destinatario sobre una acción concreta, y aunque ser creativo siempre es bueno, no debes permitirte ser demasiado reservado, poco claro o misterioso en este punto. El tiempo es dinero, no sólo para ti, sino también para los destinatarios de tus correos electrónicos.
Si hay un patrón que sigues en tus correos electrónicos informativos, no lo cambies abruptamente. Tu audiencia puede estar acostumbrada a ver ciertos elementos dentro de tus correos electrónicos, incluidas las líneas de asunto, el diseño o incluso la hora del día en que envías tus correos electrónicos. En esencia, asegúrate de que tus clientes no confundan tus correos electrónicos con los de otra marca. Además, envía tus correos electrónicos informativos solo cuando sea realmente necesario; no abuses de esta opción y abarrotes las bandejas de entrada de tus clientes con muchos correos electrónicos a menos que sea algo realmente urgente.
Hablando del diseño de tu correo electrónico: asegúrate de que tu correo electrónico tenga el formato adecuado. Es probable que muchos destinatarios no lo lean todo; juzgarán el contenido por líneas de asunto, declaraciones en negrita o viñetas. Su formato debe hablar por sí mismo, ser directo al grano y tener un tono apropiado. Por ejemplo, si hay algo desagradable que anunciar, probablemente no sea la mejor idea exagerar su contenido con emojis o signos de exclamación que solo pueden fortalecer los sentimientos de decepción o enojo. Por otro lado, cuando hay algo positivo que anunciar, es posible que desees comenzar su correo electrónico con un saludo agradable.
Ejemplos de líneas de asunto de correo electrónico informativo
A continuación, se muestran algunos ejemplos de líneas de asunto para correos electrónicos informativos:
Aquí es donde se dirige [nombre de la empresa]. ¿Te unes?
I am happy to announce that [name of employee] has been promoted to the position of [job title].
[Name of employee] has been working at [company] for [X] years, and played a vital role in [achievement].
During that time, they have always been dedicated to [company] and displayed great team spirit, which we’re happy to reward with this promotion.
I would be grateful if you join me in congratulating [name of employee] on this exciting news.
[name & position]
As of today, there is a vacancy for the [job title] role in our [department].
We highly recommend any current employee who is interested in this role to apply as soon as possible, as the vacancy will also be advertised externally soon.
Our new [job title] will work with the [team] to perform [main responsibilities].
To be considered for this role, you must have [experience] and meet the following criteria: [requirements]
Click here [button] for a full job description.
Please reply to this email by [date] with your CV/resume and provide a short covering letter to apply for this position.
If you have any more questions regarding this vacancy, please contact the HR team at [email].
Best regards,
[name & position]
[Name of new employee] will be joining [company] in the position of [job title], starting from the [date].
We are delighted to welcome [name of new employee] because their [X] years of experience in [field] will help us drive [company] forward.
If you see [name of new employee] around the office, please introduce yourself to make them feel at home here right away.
Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to meet [name of new employee] before they start, please contact their employee mentor [name of mentor] to make arrangements.
Thanks for joining me in welcoming [name of employee] to [company].
[name & position]
A reminder that the [purpose] Open Staff Meeting hosted by [name of host] is taking place on [date] at [time].
This online meeting can be accessed using the following link: [button]
Future related meeting dates are as follows: [dates]
Please note that everyone is welcome to attend any meeting, and the contents will be tailored to [department].
Please feel free to ask any questions during the meeting. Note that there is a limit of [X] participants, so please register in advance by replying to this email.
Recordings of all past meetings can be found at [link].
Best regards,
[name & position]
It’s time for your regular roundup of how we’ve been getting on recently at [company]. Here is the month in numbers:
Statistic 1
Statistic 2
Statistic 3…
Below you can see the changes in some important metrics:
[Graphic of company data]
Look out for another update landing in your inbox next month.
[Name], [position] at [company]
Have you heard about everything that’s been going on at [company name] recently? Maybe you missed the news about [announcement].
We’ve also made some updates to our [product/service], which, as a current user, we’re sure that you’ll be interested in:
New feature
What’s more, we’re already well underway on our plans for the next [week/month], including:
Plan 1
Plan 2
Plan 3…
As usual, we’ll update you again next [week/month], when those changes will hopefully have been implemented.
The [company] team
Do you know how you got on [today/this week/this month]? Well, there’s no need to guess, as we’ve got all the important numbers for you right here.
Here is your [day/week/month] in numbers:
[Visualization of personal stats]
For full details of your [daily/weekly/monthly] roundup, you can read the report that we’ve generated for you here: [link]
We’ll be in touch again [tomorrow/next week/ next month].
[Name] at [company]
Think that you’ve been performing well [today/this week/this month]? No doubt that you have! But here’s how you got on compared to others:
[Graphical comparison]
As you can see above, you were in the top [X]% of all [product/service] users for [achievement] over the course of the [day/previous week/previous month]. Congrats!
Can you do even better [tomorrow/next week/ next month]? We’ll be sure to let you know!
The [company] team
The wellbeing of our staff and customers is more important for everyone at [company] than anything else. That’s why it’s important to be able to keep in touch with friends, family, and acquaintances.
That goes for us too, which is why we’re writing to let you know how we’ll be keeping our community connected even during these hard times. This will allow our employees and staff to contact one another to talk about whatever they want to.
We will also be sharing additional content for the foreseeable future, which will range from helpful and informative to uplifting and (hopefully) funny. Don’t forget that we’re here for you.
Best wishes,
[Name], [position] at [company]
We know that the current situation with [crisis] is affecting everybody right now, and we hope that this email finds you, your friends, and your family all safe and healthy.
During these difficult times, we have decided to put the following measures into place in order to ensure the safety of our loyal customers:
New/temporary procedure 1
New/temporary procedure 2
New/temporary procedure 3…
If you have any questions regarding any of these changes then don’t hesitate to get in touch, we’d be happy to answer any questions or comments.
Stay safe,
[Name] from the [company] team
Today is the start of a bright future for [company].
Thanks to the valued feedback of loyal customers like yourself, we’ve made some changes to the way in which we operate:
Procedural change 1
Procedural change 2
Procedural change 3…
We look forward to providing an improved service for all of our clients as a result of these updates.
If you have any questions or comments about the changes or any other matters, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
At [company] want to be open and transparent with our users while providing them with the best level of service that we possibly can.
That’s why we’re writing to let you know that our Terms and Conditions are changing, and the new agreement [link] will come into effect on [date].
Here is a summary of the most important changes:
T&Cs change 1
T&Cs change 2
T&Cs change 3…
If you continue using our service after [date], then your acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions will be considered granted.
You can cancel your membership by clicking here [link] if you don’t agree to the updated agreement.
Kind regards
[Name] from [company]
At [company], we treat our customers with the utmost care and respect. That goes for your personal data too, which is why we’re updating our Privacy Policy to give you more control over your personal details.
The changes are being made so that:
-You can more understand how we use your personal data more easily.
-We can use your data to gather feedback for improving our services.
-Only information that you have provided us when registering may be used by us.
-You have the right to request to view, modify, or erase the data we have about you.
As you can see, the changes are being made for the protection of your personal data. For more information and to read the agreement in full, please click here [link].
The [company] team
We’ve been making changes to our [service] plans in order to suit the needs of our valued users, like yourself, as best as possible.
Apart from being able to provide a better service and customer experience, we’ve had to update our Fair Usage Policy corresponding to the new plans.
No need to worry, as the updated agreements are more user-friendly and you don’t need to do anything in order to accept the new policies.
You can read them in full here [link] if you wish, or feel free to ask us any questions.
Best wishes,
[Name] from [company]
We’d really like your feedback to help improve [pain point] so that we can provide a better customer experience for all of our clients.
As a thank you for completing our short survey, which will only take about [Y] minutes of your time, we are offering all respondents a [X]% discount code off their next purchase in our online store!
To take advantage of this opportunity, please click on the link below.
[Start survey]
Thanks for your time, it is really appreciated.
The [company] team
The opinions of our users are of the utmost importance to [company], which is why we’d love for you to answer one simple question for us.
Your feedback will help shape our future content about [subject], so we hope you agree that it will be mutually beneficial for us to find out what you really think.
You can answer our single-question survey simply by clicking on your preferred choice below, without even leaving this email!
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3…
We really appreciate your feedback, as it will help us to achieve our goal of exceeding the expectations of all of our clients.
Kind regards,
[Name], [position] at [company]
You recently purchased [product/service] in our online store, and we’d be extremely grateful to hear your thoughts about it.
The survey will only take [X} minutes to complete, and your feedback will help us improve future [product lines/software versions].
To start, please click on your rating below to be taken to the survey.
[Feedback scale with link]
Thanks for your input,
We’ve gathered the results of our recent survey, which we really appreciate you answering.
Since you took the time to share your thoughts about [product/service], we thought you might like to know the results.
We are pleased to announce that [X}% of our customers would recommend [product/service] to a friend! While this is great news, there is still room for improvement, and we will take each of the comments that we received from loyal users like yourself into consideration.
Hope to see you soon! [Optional reward as a token of appreciation]
Best wishes,
The next [company] [weekly/monthly/annual] [conference/webinar] will take place on [date].
With a great list of speakers that will cover a wide range of [subject]-related topics, we’re sure that this event will be our most successful yet.
There will be presentations that you won’t want to miss from:
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3…
For more information, including a full schedule, visit the dedicated [conference/webinar[ website here [link].
Don’t forget to confirm your attendance in advance in order to receive your [event pass/link to video stream]:
Best wishes,
The [company] team
As a valued [customer/team member], you are hereby cordially invited to celebrate the [name of the ceremony] awards with us at [location] on [date].
You can expect a great evening with [activity] and [food/drink] besides the awards ceremony itself.
The awards will be handed out for multiple categories in the field of [subject], including:
Awards category 1
Awards category 2
Awards category 3…
More details about the event, including a full list of nominees and categories, can be found on the event’s webpage [link].
We very much hope to see you there! All you need to do is RSVP by clicking below:
[Confirm your attendance]
Kind regards,
[Name] from [company]
The [company] team has been busy planning our [quarterly/bi-annual/annual] team-building with the hope of making this event our most successful so far!
On [date] at [time] all [department] staff are invited to leave their work for [period of time] to get to know each other better whilst taking part in some fun activities, such as:
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3…
There will be no formal dress code for the day, so feel free to wear casual clothes for a more comfortable [morning/afternoon/day]. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
We look forward to seeing you there! Just RSVP [link] beforehand so we can accommodate the correct number of attendees.
Best, all the HR staff
Thanks for signing up for our [content] emails.
This is just a short message to confirm that your subscription is now active and that you’ll start receiving industry insights from us shortly.
If you have any comments or questions in the meantime, feel free to contact us by replying to this email. We’d be happy to help you!
The [company] team
P.s. If you have been sent this email in error or would like to unsubscribe, please click on the following [link].
As a member of the [industry] community, I’m sure that you’re one of many people who’ve encountered trouble with [issue/pain point].
I thought you might like to hear a few pieces of advice from us about how to deal with this problem that our other clients have benefited from:
Advice 1
Advice 2
Advice 3…
If you don’t find our tips useful, please let us know how to improve. Alternatively, you can unsubscribe by clicking here [link].
[Name] from [compa
[copy button="yes"]
Dear [name],
I commented under your post/answered your question on [social media platform], and thought I’d follow up by sharing some more resources that you might find interesting.
Here are some guides about [topic] that may be helpful for you:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3…
If you’d like to get more advice on a regular basis then you can sign up for the [company] newsletter by clicking on the button below. Once you sign up you’ll receive great tips straight to your inbox every [X] weeks.
Kind regards,
[Name], [position] at [company]
We’ve noticed that you haven’t made a purchase in a while, and we miss you!
There’s never been a better time to start shopping with us again because we’d like to give you a special discount of [X]% off everything in our store.
To benefit from these reduced prices, just enter the following code at checkout:
[Discount code]
There are lots of great new products available that we’re sure you’ll find interesting.
[Images of products with prices]
See you soon,
You may have noticed the discount coupon that we sent to you recently. Don’t worry – it’s still not too late to use it!
If you’ve already made a purchase, feel free to enter the same code at checkout again for another [X]% off your next purchase with us:
[Discount code]
We hope you enjoy using your new products, and we hope to see you return to our online store again in the near future. Here’s what we can offer to keep you coming back for more:
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3…
Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
The [company] team
We’ve been in touch recently with a discount code for [X]% off your next purchase at the [company] store, which you can find below and still use:
[Discount code]
As we haven’t heard back from you, and you haven’t made a purchase for a while, we are wondering if you’d still like to receive emails from us. Choose your response below:
[Keep receiving emails]
[Send fewer emails]
It would be great if you’d like to stay in touch with us, but if you do decide to unsubscribe now, we’ll always welcome you back with open arms.
Kind regards,
[Name] from [company]
Free 14-day trial. No credit card required. Sign up today!
Send out informational email campaigns with confidence. Save our templates, customize them, and watch your email engagement rise.
Para escribir un correo electrónico informativo, primero debes crear una excelente línea de asunto. Luego, escribe el cuerpo del correo electrónico y asegúrate de incluir una llamada a la acción.
En la línea de asunto del correo electrónico, comienza con la intención de establecer contactos de manera informal. Además, indica la fecha y tu nombre. En el primer párrafo, preséntate, tu puesto y la empresa para la que trabajas. En el segundo párrafo, sé breve e indica que deseas obtener más información sobre su negocio. En el tercer párrafo, solicita una reunión de 15 minutos, preferiblemente en persona. Por último, agrega algunas líneas de cierre.
Los correos electrónicos informativos deben ser breves declaraciones que destaquen la situación actual y cómo la empresa la manejará. Por lo tanto, estos correos electrónicos deben ser relativamente breves, resumiendo los detalles importantes dentro de 3 a 5 párrafos que constan de varias líneas de texto solamente.
La respuesta corta a esta pregunta es no. Hay un momento y un lugar para el marketing, y este definitivamente no es uno de ellos. Si el correo electrónico informativo es sobre una crisis o situación difícil, esto es especialmente cierto. Los correos electrónicos informativos están diseñados únicamente para tranquilizar a los clientes, desearles lo mejor y hacerles saber cómo los cambios en tiempos de incertidumbre podrían afectarlos.
Esto realmente depende de cuántas crisis o eventos importantes tengan lugar realmente. Si una determinada situación se desarrolla durante mucho tiempo, el correo electrónico informativo podría convertirse en un correo electrónico enviado regularmente con actualizaciones. Sin embargo, esas breves declaraciones deberían reservarse para las ocasiones más importantes y raras, de lo contrario, se normalizarán demasiado para tener el impacto deseado.
Puedes elegir entre tres tipos de correos electrónicos para usar con tus clientes: newsletters, correos electrónicos promocionales y de encuestas.
Plantillas de correo electrónico de encuestas
Descubre plantillas de correo electrónico para encuestas que mejoran la experiencia del cliente y aumentan las ventas. Aprende a crear correos efectivos, ofrece incentivos, y utiliza nuestras plantillas gratuitas para obtener valiosos datos de tus clientes. ¡Empieza hoy a transformar tu estrategia de marketing!
Plantillas de Correo Electrónico de Descuento
Descubre plantillas de correos de descuento listas para usar. Atrae clientes, aumenta ventas y fideliza con estrategias efectivas. ¡Empieza ahora!
Plantillas de Correo Electrónico de Negocio
Descubre plantillas de correo electrónico efectivas para negocios. Ahorra tiempo con diseños para campañas transaccionales, relacionales y promocionales.
Plantillas de correo electrónico de captación
Descubre plantillas gratuitas de correo electrónico para captación en LiveAgent. Aumenta tus suscriptores y mejora la tasa de abandono.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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