Las plantillas de correo de seguimiento de llamadas son clave en servicio al cliente, ventas y contratación. Este artículo ofrece ejemplos y consejos para crear correos efectivos, destacando cómo LiveAgent mejora la satisfacción del cliente.
Un correo electrónico de seguimiento después de una llamada es una parte importante del servicio al cliente, las ventas y la contratación. Puede ayudar a consolidar la relación entre tú y la otra parte. También puede ayudar a resolver cualquier cuestión pendiente que haya surgido durante la llamada.
Con estas plantillas, te mostraremos cómo estructurar un correo electrónico de seguimiento tras una llamada. También te daremos algunos consejos para que tu correo electrónico de seguimiento deje una impresión positiva.
En la correspondencia profesional, siempre es importante hacer un seguimiento con un correo electrónico rápido después de una llamada telefónica. Esto sirve para confirmar lo que se ha discutido y cubre cualquier pregunta adicional de seguimiento o posibles pasos siguientes. Además, en la actual era de la conciencia digital, a veces es más fácil responder a un correo electrónico que a una llamada telefónica.
Enviar un correo electrónico de seguimiento también ayuda a establecer la conexión que hiciste con la persona. Les permite volver a ponerse en contacto contigo si necesitan más información, les recuerda tu conversación y te mantiene al frente de su mente.
El título de un correo electrónico de seguimiento profesional variará en función del contexto de la llamada. Sin embargo, los siguientes consejos generales pueden ayudarte a elaborar un título eficaz:
En cualquier caso, tu título debe ir directamente al grano en cuanto a lo que trata el correo electrónico.
Líneas de asunto de la plantilla de correo electrónico de seguimiento de llamadas
Las líneas de asunto son importantes porque ayudan a establecer el tono de tu correo electrónico. También dan al destinatario una idea previa de lo que trata el mensaje.
Como vas a hacer un seguimiento de una llamada concreta, siempre tienes que referirte a ella específicamente. Aunque la llamada solo haya durado un minuto, menciona el tema de la conversación. De este modo, el destinatario sabrá que el correo electrónico es una respuesta a vuestra conversación anterior.
Tu comienzo debe ser cortés y breve, agradeciendo a la persona su tiempo. También puedes mencionar lo mucho que te ha gustado hablar con ella y expresar tu deseo de volver a hablar pronto.
El cuerpo de tu correo electrónico debe ampliar los puntos que se plantearon durante la llamada. Si hay cuestiones pendientes, este es el momento de abordarlas. También puedes ofrecerte a proporcionar más información o a dar cualquier paso adicional para hacer avanzar la relación profesional. Si tienes algún archivo adicional que adjuntar, hazlo aquí.
Tu correo electrónico debe ser conciso y directo. Trata de mantenerlo en menos de tres párrafos, y asegúrate de que cada párrafo se centra en un solo punto.
Tu correo electrónico debe terminar siempre con una solicitud cortés de respuesta. También puedes recordar al lector tu próxima disponibilidad en caso de que quiera ponerse en contacto. Dale varias opciones de contacto para que pueda elegir la que más le convenga.
Hi [Name],
Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me yesterday about [topic]. I enjoyed the conversation and learned a lot.
I wanted to follow up with you about [items discussed], as well as to see if there’s anything else I can do to help move the process forward.
Please let me know if you need any additional information, and thank you again for your time.
[Your name]
Hello [Name],
Thanks for taking the time to speak with me on the phone yesterday. I wanted to follow up with some of the things we discussed.
I’ve attached a document with more information about [topic].
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
[Your name]
P.S. I’ve also included my availability for the next few weeks in case you want to get in touch.
I’d like to thank you for our call last [day]. I found it very productive and learned a lot.
I wanted to follow up with some of the things we discussed and ask if you have any additional questions.
I have also included my availability for the next few weeks in case you want to get in touch. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do meanwhile.
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
[Your name]
Once again, thanks for taking the time to speak with me last week. It was great to chat and I feel that we made some good progress.
I wanted to follow up with a few points that we raised during the call. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
[Your name]
I hope you had a good weekend.
I wanted to follow up on our call from last week. I feel that we could collaborate and I wanted to make sure that I have all of your contact information so that we can stay in touch.
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[Your name]
Just wanted to make sure that I followed up with you after our call on [date].
Hope you’re doing well.
Please let me know if there’s anything else you would like to discuss or if you need any additional information from me.
[Your name]
Great catching up with you today. Here’s a quick summary of what we talked about for your records:
[Summary of discussion]
[Action items, if any]
Thanks again for taking the time to speak with me. I’ll follow up with you next week to see how we’re doing on those points.
[Your name]
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. I appreciate the information you shared and look forward to putting it into action.
If there is anything else I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
[Your name]
Great talking with you today about [Topic]. I just wanted to follow up and make sure that you received the information I sent over. If there’s anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Thanks again for your time today.
[Your name]
Thanks for taking the time to speak with me on the phone yesterday, I appreciate it. As we discussed, I think there’s a lot of potential for us to work together and I’m confident I can provide value to help you achieve your goals.
To recap what we talked about, I think it makes sense for me to take on X, Y, and Z. If you’re cool with that, then I’ll get started right away. If not, no worries at all – just let me know what you had in mind.
Either way, thanks again for speaking with me. I look forward to hearing from you soon,
[Your name]
Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me yesterday, I appreciate it. Just wanted to shoot over a quick email follow-up with some of the notes from our conversation.
First off, I think it would be really helpful to [action]. It would also be great if we could touch base on [topic]. Lastly, I’m curious about your thoughts on [issue].
Thanks again for taking the time to chat yesterday. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do.
[Your name]
Great talking to you today. I just wanted to make sure I had all of your contact information correct. Here it is again:
[phone number]
[email address]
Do you have any questions for me before we wrap up?
Thanks again, and I’ll touch base with you soon.
[your name]
I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out and see if you were interested in catching up for lunch. I haven’t heard back from you for a while and wanted to know whether or not we might still be able to talk about our collaboration.
If you’re not interested, no problem at all. Just let me know.
Hope to hear from you soon,
[Your name]
P.S. My contact information is still the same: [phone number] and [email address]. Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
Great talking to you today. Thank you for taking the time to chat. Here are the details of our conversation for your reference.
[Summary of what was discussed]
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[Your Name]
I just wanted to follow up with you about the conversation we had on the phone. Here are some of my thoughts:
[Summary of what was discussed]
[Action items, if any]
Thanks for taking the time to speak with me today. I’ll be in touch soon,
[Your name]
Redactar un correo electrónico de seguimiento tras una llamada no tiene por qué ser difícil si sigues unas buenas prácticas. Aquí tienes algunos consejos que te ayudarán:
El seguimiento después de una llamada telefónica es siempre una buena idea, independientemente de cómo haya ido la conversación. Enviando un correo electrónico de seguimiento eficaz, puedes asegurarte de que todos los detalles están claros y de que todos están en la misma página.
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Send your potential clients or partners an email thanking them for their time and letting them know that you look forward to hearing from them soon. You could also send them a link to an article or blog post that you think might be of interest to them. If you have their contact information, you could also reach out to them on social media. Whatever method you choose, be sure the message has a personal touch and indicates that you care about what the recipient has to say.
Recap the main points of the conversation and highlight anything that was agreed upon. If any information or documents were shared, include a link or attachment in the email for easy reference regardless of whether or not you have sent them before. Make everything easy for the other person to find. Don't forget that a simple 'thank you' can go a long way.
It's always a good idea to follow up, but you don't want to overdo it. If you haven't heard back from the other person after a reasonable amount of time, you can try following up again. Just make sure that your emails aren't becoming a nuisance to them and that you're not crossing any boundaries.
If the other person doesn't respond to your follow-up email, it's best to reach out to them in another way. Try calling them or sending them a message on social media. If they still don't get back to you, it might be time to move on.
There's no surefire way to get someone to notice your follow-up email, but there are a few things you can do to help increase the chances. First, write a subject line that is catchy and relevant to the email recipient to pique their curiosity. Second, keep the email short; nobody wants to read a novel in their inbox. Get straight to the point, clearly state why you're emailing, and include any relevant information or attachments. Finally, express genuine interest in hearing back from the person - let them know that you value their time and opinions.
Yes - make sure that you're always prepared for a follow-up call and have a list of questions or topics that you want to cover. This will help make the conversation more efficient and minimize the chances of you forgetting anything important. In addition, try to stay organized and keep track of any relevant information or documents that were shared during the call. This will make it easy to follow up afterward.
Plantillas de correo electrónico para seguimiento de ventas
Optimiza tu seguimiento de ventas con plantillas de correo personalizables de LiveAgent. Aumenta respuestas y cierra más ventas fácilmente.
Plantillas de correo electrónico de seguimiento de servicio al cliente
Descubre plantillas de seguimiento de servicio al cliente en LiveAgent para mejorar la satisfacción, gestionar quejas y obtener feedback fácilmente.
Plantillas de correo electrónico de recordatorio
Descubre plantillas de email de recordatorio para aumentar la participación y motivar acciones. ¡Impulsa tus campañas de marketing ahora!
Plantillas de correo electrónico de seguimiento de eventos
Descubre plantillas de correos de seguimiento para eventos, webinars y post-compra. Mejora el compromiso y genera ventas fácilmente.
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